Political Crisis in Pakistan 2017-2018: Sharif’s shine and poverty

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Science Academy
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 7

The disqualification of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by the Supreme Court is the SC’s verdict of the corruption case in the wake of the Panama Leaks trial. He lost twice: the federal cabinet and the president’s position of his ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML N). Within 2017-2018 Sharif’ family, his government and his party struggled against state and its institutions, forcing the judicial system to reconsider its decision. He failed again and again, blaming the political opposition and generals, who is he said, used the judges for his third dismissal from power. As the result Pakistan «entered in a period of aimless drift ... and stagnation». It had hurt the appointed in August 2017 new prime-minister Shahid Khaqan Abbas, member of PML N, and his government (20172018). At the same time Pakistan faces the stronger challenges - the threat of terror, regional isolation, endless misunderstanding with USA and slow progress of the main investment project China-Pakistan economic corridor. But the real challenge for Sharif»s family and the ruling PMLN is the general elections in 2018. Sharif»s PML N lost the control in Senat, the Upper house of the parliament in March 2018. It means that the Sharifs will use all efforts to reach the long-waiting victory for PML N and returning back N.Sharif for the seat of prime-minister for the forth time in the history of Pakistan. The reason - de jure disqualified primeminister is still leading de facto the federal administration and PML N.

KeywordsPakistan, PML N, N.Sharif, opposition parties, judicial system, generals, disqualification
Publication date27.08.2018
Number of characters31111
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Additional sources and materials

1. Nawaz to appoint Shahbaz as PML-N President on September 7 - https://www.dawn.com/news/1352967/nawaz-toappoint-
shahbaz-as-pml-n-president-on-sept-7 (accessed 21.08.2017)
2. Zamaraeva N.A. Pakistan: Sharify vozglavili izbiratel'nuyu kampaniyu 2018 g. (Zamaraeva N.A. Pakistan: Sharif
led the election complain) (In Russ.) - https://ru.journal-neo.org/2017/08/22/pakistan-sharify-vozglavili-izbiratel-nuyukampaniyu-
2018-g/ (accessed 22.08.2017)
3. Five advisers appointed - https://www.dawn.com/news/1351459/five-advisers-appointed (accessed 14.08.2017)
4. Moody’s expresses fears about continuity of policies - https://www.dawn.com/news/1349081/moodys-expresses-fearsabout-
continuity-of-policies (accessed 03.08.2017)
5. PTI  changes  tack  over  opposition  leader  move  -  https://www.dawn.com/news/1360504/pti-changes-tack-overopposition-
leader-move (accessed 28.09.2017)
6. Way paved for Nawaz Sharif to again head PML-N - https://www.dawn.com/news/1359509 (accessed 23.09.2017)
7. Person  disqualified  under  Articles  62,  63  ineligible  to  head  political  party,’  SC  rules  -
https://www.dawn.com/news/1390816 (accessed 21.02.2018)
8. PML-N elects Nawaz as ‘Quaid for life’, Shahbaz as interim party president - https://www.dawn.com/news/1392062/
pml-n-elects-nawaz-as-quaid-for-life-shahbaz-as-interim-party-president (accessed 27.02.2018)

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