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1. Gorbunov K.Yu., Lyubetskij V.A. Linejnyj algoritm kratchajshej perestrojki grafov pri raznykh tsenakh operatsij // Informats. protsessy. 2016. T. 16. № 2. C. 223–236.
2. Lyubetsky V.A., Gershgorin R.A., Seliverstov A.V., Gorbunov K.Yu. Algorithms for Reconstruction of Chromosomal Structures // BMC Bioinformatics. 2016. V. 17. P. 40.1–40.23.
3. Lyubetsky V.A., Gershgorin R.A., Gorbunov K.Yu. Chromosome Structures: Reduction of Certain Problems with Unequal Gene Content and Gene Paralogs to Integer Linear Programming // BMC Bioinformatics. 2017. V. 18. P. 537.1–537.18.
4. Braga M.D.V., Stoye J. Sorting Linear Genomes with Rearrangements and Indels // IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2015. V. 12. No. 3. P. 1–13.
5. Yin Z., Tang J., Schaeffer S.W., Bader D.A. Exemplar or Matching: Modeling DCJ Problems with Unequal Content Genome Data // J. Combinatorial Optimization. 2016. V. 32. No. 4. P. 1165–1181.
6. Gorbunov K.Yu., Lyubetskij V.A. Linejnyj algoritm minimal'noj perestrojki struktur // Probl. peredachi informatsii. 2017. T. 53. Vyp. 1. S. 60–78.