Vladimir Abramov


public procurement, agent-based modeling, public administration

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Digital Reconquest in the Global Economy and in Russia (Artificial Societies) -
Integrated complex of electronic trading platforms as a tool for price regulation and coordination of fuel and energy supply volumes (Vestnik CEMI) -
Application of Agent-based approach to the Modeling of Processes in the Field of Migration Policy (Artificial Societies) -
Operating human behavior in the state and society using agent modeling based on neural coding of cognitive information (Artificial Societies) -
Application of multi-agent technologies in the field of human cognitive activity components coherence and artificial agents in the construction of individual educational and research trajectories (Vestnik CEMI) -
Development of an agent-oriented model of the Federal project "Modern school" on the example of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (Artificial Societies) -
Neurocommunity: individually oriented information manipulation of artificially induced political experiences in a digital communication environment (Artificial Societies) -
Optimization of GPUs and Clusters for the Development of Large-scale Socio-economic Models on Supercomputers (Artificial Societies) -
Use of neurotechnologies in the digital environment with the possibility of network increase in the number of reflexive matrices imprinted to the consumer of information that change the rules of human behavior (Vestnik CEMI) -
National project "Education" as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of Russian education in the world (Vestnik CEMI) -