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Fig, 1. 1. – Vessel BM EA 35556 (after: [Kahl, 2007, pl. 1]) (Рис_1а_London_bowl.jpg, 2,382 Kb) [Download]
2 – Reconstruction of the original inscription on the vessel BM EA 35556 by E.-M. Engel (after: [Kahl, 2007, p. 10, fig. 5]) (Рис_1б_London_bowl_rec.jpg, 98 Kb) [Download]
Fig. 2. Reconstruction of the seal of Peribsen (after: [Kaplony, 1963, Abb. 302]). (Рис_2_.jpg, 124 Kb) [Download]
Fig. 3. The comb of the king Djet (CM JE 47176) © Wikipedia Commons (Рис_3_Ivory_comb_with_the_name_of_Djet_from,_Abydos,_First_Dynasty,_2920-2770_BCE;_Egyptian_Museum,_Cairo.jpg, 1,140 Kb) [Download]