Growing male prostitution in Russia as a social problem

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Assoc. Prof., Senior Researcher of SIC-2
Affiliation: Research institute Federal Penitentiary Service
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 8

   The article actualizes the problem of male prostitution in Russia. The characteristics of males who provide sexual services on a commercial basis are given. It is shown that the provision of these services discredits the gender characteristics of a man, his appearance in the «mirror» of the generally accepted social and moral norms of behavior. The system of factors contributing to the spread of this social phenomenon in Russian society is described: socio­ideological (lowering the level of morality); socio-economic (the formation of a «consumer society», the financial disad­vantage of a large part of the population, especially among young people and marginalized groups, the emergence of precariat, the increase in the socioeconomic status of women, the development of the market for erotic and pornographic content); socio-cultural (freedom of sexual behavior, deformation of gender identity of men, tolerance to the practice of same-sex sexual contacts); social-psychological (infantilization of males, the desire to earn «easy money», the absence or reduction of possible ways of self-assertion of the individual in society, the spread of the phenomenon of social loneliness, the psychological «liberation» of a modern Russian woman); social-pedagogical (educational) (crisis of the family institution, homelessness, lack of a system of sexual education and education of minors and youth); socio­medical (early sexual life of males, free access to contraceptives). In spite of the fact that there are currently quite a large number of supporters for the introduction of commercial sexual services on a commercial basis, including male ones, the author is convinced that the phenomenon deserves a negative social and ethical evaluation. Prostitution is a «breeding ground» for the antisocial way of life, leading to various kinds of offenses, including crime (in particular, «drug crime»). In connection with this, it is required to conduct scientific research on the social nature of male prostitut­ing behavior in Russia and to develop effective measures for its prevention.

Keywords Russian society, male prostitution, morality, social health
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters1190
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