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1. Gaydukov P. G., 1993. Mednyye russkiye monety kontsa XIV–XVI vv. [The Russian copper of the late 14th – 16th centuries]. Moscow: Nauka. 304 p.
2. Koval’ V. Yu U., 2010. Keramika Vostoka na Rusi IX–XVII vv. [Eastern pottery in Rus of 9th–17th centuries]. Moscow: Nauka. 269 p.
3. Koval’ V. Yu., 2016. Primary documentation of mass ceramic material on the monuments of the Middle Ages and Early Iron Age of the forest zone of Eastern Europe. Metodika polevykh arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy [Methods of the field archaeological investigations], 9. Moscow: IA RAN. 126 p. (In Russ.)
4. Krenke N. A., 2009. Arkheologiya Romanova dvora: Predystoriya i istoriya tsentra Moskvy v XII–XIX vekakh [Archaeology of Romanov Yard: Prehistory and history of Moscow center in 12th – 19th centuries]. Moscow: IA RAN. 523 p. (Materialy okhrannykh arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy, 12).
5. Krenke N. A., Glazunova O. N., Ershov I. N., Oleynikov O. M., 2016. Stratigraphic excavation on Podol of the Moscow Kremlin. Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii [Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology], 243, pp. 107–126. (In Russ.)
6. Makarov N. A., 2017. Urbanization of northeast Rus in the 11th – the first half of the 13th century AD: the size of settlements. Rossiyskaya arkheologiya [Russian archaeology], 4, pp. 34–44. (In Russ.)
7. Makarov N. A., Engovatova A. V., Koval’ V. Yu., 2017. Archaeological investigations in the east part of the Moscow Kremlin in 2014–2016. Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii [Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology], 246, pp. 7–27. (In Russ.)
8. Panova T. D., 2013. Istoricheskaya i sotsial’naya topografiya Moskovskogo Kremlya v seredine XII – pervoy treti XVI veka [Historical and social topography of the Moscow Kremlin in the middle 12th – first third 16th century]. Moscow: TAUS. 406 p.
9. Polnoye sobraniye russkikh letopisey [Complete Corpus of Russian Chronicles], III. Novgorodskaya pervaya letopis’ po Sinodal’nomu spisku [Novgorod first chronicle according to the Synodal list]. St. Petersburg: Tipografiya E. Pratsa, 1841. 308 p.
10. Polnoye sobraniye russkikh letopisey [Complete Corpus of Russian Chronicles], VII. Letopis’ po Voskresenskomu spisku [Chronicle according to the Resurrection monastery list]. St. Petersburg: Tipografiya E. Pratsa, 1856. 345 s.
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13. Polnoye sobraniye russkikh letopisey [Complete Corpus of Russian Chronicles], XV. Rogozhskiy letopisets [The Rogozhskiy Records], 1. Petrograd, 1922. 216 p.
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16. Stolyarova E. K., Koval’ V. Yu., 2017. Glass bracelets of the eastern part of the Moscow Kremlin (preliminary results of 2016 works). Kratkiye soobshcheniya Instituta arkheologii [Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology], iss. 249, pt. II, 86–94. (In Russ.)