Incomes of the population and the stability of the development of the banking sector in Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Occupation: associative professor
Affiliation: Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Address: Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 9

Stable development of the national banking sector is a prerequisite for macroeconomic stability. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, incomes of the population, which are one of the most important banking counterparties, are decreasing and threats to the stability of the banking sector are emerging. The article presents a structural diagram describing the links between the stable development of the banking sector and the incomes of the population. The diagram can be used in the development of banking policy in the process of macroeconomic regulation.

Keywordsfinancial stability, banking risks, bank capital, macroprudential policy, mortgage, Basel III, liquidity, COVID-19 pandemic
AcknowledgmentThe study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 19-010-00801.
Publication date29.09.2020
Number of characters24093
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