Overview of institutionalization of legitimate coercion in framework of public international law

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Deputy Chairman - Management Board Member
Affiliation: VEB.RF
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameJournal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Research proposal. The article provides for an overview of institutionalization of legitimate coercion in framework of public international law. According to foundations of legal theory, coercive measures are deemed to be legitimate, when they occur in response to violations of rules committed by the subject. In the regard of these breaches certain entities are authorized to apply coercive measures. At the same time, coercion can be treated as means of ensuring that subjects comply with the rule enshrined in the legal norms. The theoretical and practical understanding of these issues is presented in this paper.

Research goals. Research purpose is to investigate the mechanism of coercion in public international law, defining the criteria of its legitimacy and ways to institutionalize legitimate coercion in the context of international relations. In order to achieve this goal, the concepts of ‘coercive measures’, ‘sanctions’ and ‘countermeasures’ are analyzed, and the differences of coercive measures in the context of their application are outlined. In order to fulfil this objective, the judicial practice of application of coercive measures was considered.

Applied methods. Applied method embrace: 1) formal-logical method – to analyze conceptual approaches to coercion in international law; 2) discourse analysis – to identify descriptive characteristics of coercive measures in modern doctrine and rhetoric of international relations; 3) comparative legal method – to analyze similarities and differences of legal institutions in multiple jurisdictions, taking into account species differences and characteristic properties of these institutions.

Results. The study provides an overview of the varieties of coercion in international law, as well as doctrinal positions on the criteria of legitimacy of coercion and types of coercive measures.

KeywordsCoercion, international public law, restrictive measures, sanctions, countermeasures, legal theory.
Publication date20.12.2024
100 rub.
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