Albert Bakhtizin

corresponding member of RAS, Grand PhD in Economic Sciences

Director, CEMI RAS

Central economic and mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
The agent-oriented approach to the simulation of the processes of tracking the money laundering and the financing of terrorism (Obshchestvo i ekonomika) -
Aggregated Agent-Based Simulation Model of Migration Flows of the European Union Countries (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Agent-based model of migration to European Union countries with taking into account individual decision-making system (Artificial Societies) -
Meaning of an agent-based modelling in monitoring the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region (Vestnik CEMI) -
Development of an agent-oriented model of the Federal project "Modern school" on the example of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (Artificial Societies) -
Experience in implementing a parallel spatially distributed agent-oriented model using a multi-core architecture (Artificial Societies) -
Agent-based modelling of population dynamics of two interacting social communities: migrants and natives (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Software and analytical complex "MÖBIUS" - a tool for planning, monitoring and forecasting the socio-economic system of Russia (Artificial Societies) -
On the monograph by Irina V. Novikova “Strategic development of labor resources in the Russian Far East” (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
The new theory of value (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Demographic Agent-based model of Russia and Assessment of its Applicability for Solving Practical Management Problems (Artificial Societies) -
National security of countries all over the world (Artificial Societies) -
Modeling and Assessment of National Power of Different Countries all over the World (Artificial Societies) -
The Fifth Meeting of the BRICS Working Group on ICT and High Performance ComputationSystems (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Agent-based modeling of social and economic impacts of migration under the government regulated employment (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Agent-based modeling for a complex world. Part 1 (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Agent-based modeling for a complex world. Part 2 (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
The Sixth meeting of the BRICS Working Group on ICT and high performance computation systems (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Agent-based modeling of large socio-economic systems based on the general theory of functional systems of P.K. Anokhin (Artificial Societies) -
Modern Software tools for Agent-based modeling (Artificial Societies) -
Large Fourth-Generation Language Models as a New Tool in Scientific Research (Artificial Societies) -
Аnalysis of marginalism. Part 1 (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Анализ маржинализма. Часть 2 (Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody) -
Modeling the Behavior of an Agent-enterprise as part of an Artificial Society in an International Trade Network (Artificial Societies) -
Results of the XI-th International Conference "Multidimensional statistical analysis, Econometrics and modeling of real processes" named after S. A. Ayvazyan (Vestnik CEMI) -