Nikolaj M. Dobrynin

Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, honorary graduate of science and education of the Tyumen region

Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of the Institute of state and law of the Tyumen state University; chief researcher of the Federal research center “The Tyumen scientific center of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy o

Tyumen state University; Federal research center “The Tyumen scientific center of the Siberian branch of the Russian Acade-my of Sciences”


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Philosophical and ideological pattern of contemporary russian constitutionalism. An essay on the possible and indispensable in the course of legal upgrade of Russia ― to support the monograph: N.S. Bondar. Judicial constitutionalism: doctrine and practice. 2nd ed., rev. (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Economic constitutionalism and constitutional economy: synergy of meanings and conjunction of perspectives. A reflection on the needs and existing after reading the monograph: N.S. Bondar. Economic constitutionalism in Russia: outlines of theory and practice. Moscow: NORMA : INFRA-M, 2017. 272 p. (Library of judicial constitutionalism. Issue. 7) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Again to the issue of state’s sovereignty and new geopolitics: legal axiology and author’s reflections (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
To the issue of the Russian constitutional law regulatory area: legal ontology and achieving consonance on the way to the patency (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The contemporary Russian federalism in the focus of democracy, division of powers and functionality of administrative hierarchy (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Constitutionalism, Constitution of the Russian Federation and constitutionality of the Russian law: several thoughts on the conjunction of meanings and legal practices (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Some results and perspectives of the constitutional legal development of the modern Russia: to the 30th anniversary of essay “How could we make Russia fit? Feasible considerations” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The innovations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: present and future. A reflection on faults… or results? (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The innovations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: present and future. A reflection on faults… or results? (The end) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Constitutional principle of the integrity of public power and further evolution of the municipal governance in Russia: on the way from subsidiarity towards “democratic centralism”? (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Russian federalism: ontological consistency of the model of state territorial structure as a factor of solidarity of the people in the conditions of an “undeclared” economic war from the side of the “collective West” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The Rule of Law State and social justice in a changed world order: some feasible considerations on the modern interpretation of the “|eternal constitutional ideals” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The Russian constitutionalism in the framework of new geopolitical environment: milestones and vectors (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -