Natalya V. Krotkova

PhD in Law

Leading research fellow, sector of Constitutional Law and Constitutional justice, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Editor-in-Chief of journal “State and Law” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Review of All-russian scientific-practical the “round table” journals “State and law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Legal analytical journal” and “Legal vestnik of Samara university” topic “Financial and legal policy in modern Russia” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Overview of the international scientific-practical conference “information space: ensuring information security and law” – the first Bachilov readings (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
60 years Alexander V. Malko (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The state-legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of punishments: the issues of theory and practice (a review of the materials of the international scientific “The Round Table” of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Actual problems of the state and law” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The state-legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of punishments: the issues of theory and practice (A review of the materials of the international scientific “The Round Table” of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Actual problems of the state and law” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (The end) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
A review of the All-Russian “Round Table” journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Bulletin of the Russian law Academy”, “The legal culture” on the theme “Legal advantages: history and modernity” dedicated to the anniversary of honored worker of higher school of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor A.S. Mordovets (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Formation of the Information Law system as a scientific direction: develop-ment stages and prospects (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
A quarter of a century of the constitution of Russia: understanding experience (for results of all-russian scientific conference “XXV anniversary of the constitution of the Russian federation: transformation of the paradigm of rights in the civilizational development of mankind”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the materials of the International scientific and practical conference in the form of a “Round Table” of journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life” on “Strategic directions of combating crime at the national and transnational levels” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The institutionalization of the doctrine of constitutionalism (Following to the results of the All-Russian scientific conference “XXV anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: transformation of the paradigm of rights in the civilizational development of mankind”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal policy in modern Russia: actual problems of theory and practice (Review of materials of the “Round Table”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of materials of the "Round Table" journals "State and Law" and "Legal policy and legal life" on the topic "The electoral legal policy modern Russia" (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the methodological seminar on the theme “Digital Law: the methodology of the study” (18 April 2019, Saratov state Law Academy, Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Quo Vadis, Justitia? Development of legal systems from the position of law faculties (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal policy as a method of organising social legal life of the Russian Federation regions: theory and practice (Review of materials of the All-Russian scientific “The Round Table” (with international participation) by journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Current problems of state and law” and scientific-educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The variety of forms of state building (Review of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Composite states: experience and prospects for development", Penza state University, May 29 - 30, 2019) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
New vectors of Information Law development in the context of civilizational crisis and digital transformation (Gosudarstvo i pravo) 5.0
Legal life of modern society: negative and positive (Review of materials of the All-Russian scientific conference of journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, of scientific and educational yearbook “State-legal researches”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Problems of digitalization in the field of justice (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Human value in the Eurasian model of constitutionalism: from ideas to reality (To the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Scientific creativity of G.V.F. Hegel and prospects development of modern Philosophy of Law: to the 250th anniversary of the birth of G.V.F. Hegel and the 200th anniversary of his "Philosophy of Law" (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal culture, legal policy and human rights (Reviewing materials of scientific-practical conference) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Countering corruption in modern Russian legal life (Review materials of the “Round Table” of journals “State and Law” and “The legal culture”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference in the form of the “Round Table” of journals “State and Law” and “Legal culture” on the topic “Problems of interconnection and interaction of interaction” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
XV International scientific and practical conference "Legal acts and legal contracts: problems of theory and practice" and the scientific of the "Round Table" "Legal science as a socio-cultural institute: intensification of human, methodological and theoretical potential" (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Draft Concept of the legal policy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Tambov region): review of the materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference in the form of the “Round Table” of journals “State and Law”, “Legal culture”, “State legal research” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal expertise: Science, Practical Art or Craft? Review of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Forum “Yurtechnetics” on the topic “Law-making expertise (doctrine, practice, tech-nique)” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Development of the science of Information Law and legal provision of information security: formation of the scientific school of Information Law (past and future) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the International Scientific Conference “Alexander Nevsky and the ways of Russian identity”, dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
We are 95 years old (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Russian statehood and challenges of the XXI century (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal Culture and State Legal Life of the Society (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The main trends and problems of the development of the science of Information Law (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Dynamism and stability of legislation: the dialectic of the functioning of science, practice, technology (Review of the XXIV International Scientific and Practical Forum “Yurtechnetics” on the topic “Changes in legislation (doctrine, practice, technique)”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Expert “Round Table” “Ideas of Eurasianism in Russian law: theoretical and philosophical grounds and practice of implementation” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
). Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference “Traditional spiritual and moral values as the basis of legal development in the XXI century” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Public power. Law and order. Human rights (Review of the International “Round Table” “The Russian state and the challenges of the XXI century”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
All-Russian Conference with international participation “History of political and legal doctrines as a scientific and educational discipline” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Development of the doctrine of Russian Information Law in the context of the transition to a data economy (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Trends and problems of modern law. Review of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Plevako Tambov Legal Readings” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Objective law in the light of modern materialistic theory of law Review of the discussion materials of the book by V.M. Syrykh “Fundamentals of the materialistic theory of law: in 4 vols. Vol. I. Objective law and forms of its expression” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal analytics in the focus of interdisciplinarity. Review of the XXV International Scientific and Practical Forum “Legaltechnetics” on the topic “Legal analytics: intellectual technologies of legal activity” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -