Alexandr V. Malko

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof.


Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Review of All-russian scientific-practical the “round table” journals “State and law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Legal analytical journal” and “Legal vestnik of Samara university” topic “Financial and legal policy in modern Russia” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the book: S.V. Polenina. The relationship of legal policy and culture and its reflection in the legislation. Moscow: Publishing House "Gorodets", 2016. 336 p. (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The state-legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of punishments: the issues of theory and practice (a review of the materials of the international scientific “The Round Table” of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Actual problems of the state and law” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Federalism in historical and state-studying dimension (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The state-legal policy of modern Russia in the sphere of punishments: the issues of theory and practice (A review of the materials of the international scientific “The Round Table” of the journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Actual problems of the state and law” and the scientific and educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (The end) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
A review of the All-Russian “Round Table” journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Bulletin of the Russian law Academy”, “The legal culture” on the theme “Legal advantages: history and modernity” dedicated to the anniversary of honored worker of higher school of Russia, Doctor of Law, Professor A.S. Mordovets (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The Attitude of Russian Students to Color Revolutions (Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya) -