Philipp Trunov

Ph.D. in Politology

Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Europe and America, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences


international relations, international security, German foreign policy, NATO

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Academic science and defense are a non-alternative bundle in the interests of the state (Vestnik RAS) -
Is Germany a new global military gamer? (Vestnik RAS) -
German-Iranian relations in the military-political sphere at the present stage (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
The Evolution of German Ostpolitik in 1991-1994 (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
The Reforms of German Armed Forces in 1920s — 1930s and 1990s — the Beginning of 2020s: the Featrures and Common Characteristics (ISTORIYA) -
The Features of German Cooperation with Scandinavian and Baltic States in Political-Military Field During the Current Period (ISTORIYA) -
German-Turkish Relations during the Modern Period: Military-Political Aspects (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
The Evolution of German Strategy towards the Syrian Direction: Political-Military Aspects (Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost) -
The Process of Strengthening by Germany Its Military-Political Presence in the World: the Concept of Regional Circles (ISTORIYA) -
The Features of German-Dutch Cooperation in Military-Political Sphere (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
The Malian Question in the Context of German Strategy in Africa: Political-Military Aspects (ISTORIYA) -
The Features of Cooperation between Germany and Western European Countries in the Political-Military Sphere in the 2010s (ISTORIYA) -
Evolution of the U.S. Military Presence in Europe: the Example of Germany (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Brazilian direction of German foreign policy on the world stage: political-military aspects (Latin America) -
The Approaches of Konrad Adenauer and Angela Merkel to the Solution of Political-Military Problems: Succession or Divergence? (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
Germany’s Participation in Military-political “Containment” of China (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
Germany and «Libyan problem» during 2010-s (Asia and Africa Today) -
On the Periodisation of the German Involvement in the Settlement of Armed Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space (Novaia i noveishaia istoriia) -
Relations between Germany and the Countries of North Africa (Political and Military Aspects) (Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia) -
The Features and Results of the Dialogue between Germany and the Nordic Countries in the Political and Military Spheres in the 2010s (ISTORIYA) -
The features of German strategic pervasion to the Far East in the early 2020-s (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
German – U.S. Political Dialogue in 2021: Transition to the New Normality (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
The Dynamics and Perspectives of Relations Between Germany and Egypt During 2010s: Political and Military Aspects (ISTORIYA) -
Afghanistan and Mali: German “Anti-Withdrawal” Strategy? (Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia) -
The Features of German Political-Military Penetration to Africa during the End of the 20th — 21th Centuries (ISTORIYA) -
The Features of German-Japanese Cooperation in the Sphere of Security and Defence in the Early 2020-s (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
The U.S. – German Relations in Political and Military Spheres in 2022: Cooperation or Competition? (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Germany and the Process of Military-Political Formats System Rebuilding by the U.S. in Indo-Pacific Region (Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia) -
German-Norwegian Relations in the Second Half of 2010s: Political and Military Aspects (ISTORIYA) -