Yury Morozov

Candidate of Military Sciences

Leading Research Officer

Institute of the USA and Canada Studies & Far East Studies Russian Academy of Sciences


Military Science

By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
Application by the United States its “soft power arsenal” in the modern world (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Practical application of United States military power in the Middle East (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Strategic projects of China, Russia and the United States for Eurasia (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Global actors “weight” in its “strategic triangle” in the 21st century (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
China, U.S. and Russian campaigns in its struggle in the field of geopolitics in the regions of the world (Russia and America in XXI century) -
"Pitfalls" of Russia's Military-political Сooperation with the United States and China (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
Falsification of the results of the Second World War as part of the information campaign against Russia (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Development the USA, Russia and China armed forces under influences of modern technologies (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Central Asia as an Area of Collision of Strategic Interests of the USA, China and Russia (Problemy Dalnego Vostoka) -
Western Myths about Russian and Chinese Threats (Russia and America in XXI century) -
"Triangle" China – USA – Russia and Africa (Russia and America in XXI century) -
Politics and Strategy of U.S., RF and China in the Middle East (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
China-USA-Russia Relations in Conditions of Military Crisis in Ukraine (USA & Canada: ekonomika, politika, kultura) -
Modern Trends in the U.S.-Chinese Cooperation in Economic and Humanitarian Fields (Russia and America in XXI century) -