Alexander Malko

Doctor of Law, Professor, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation

Director of Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences


By this author

Title (en) Readers community rating
State and legal life of the society under globalization (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the materials of the International scientific and practical conference in the form of a “Round Table” of journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life” on “Strategic directions of combating crime at the national and transnational levels” (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Forecasting legal risks: in 2 vol. (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal policy in modern Russia: actual problems of theory and practice (Review of materials of the “Round Table”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of materials of the "Round Table" journals "State and Law" and "Legal policy and legal life" on the topic "The electoral legal policy modern Russia" (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Review of the methodological seminar on the theme “Digital Law: the methodology of the study” (18 April 2019, Saratov state Law Academy, Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Standards of providing qualified legal assistance in the Russian Federation (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Legal policy as a method of organising social legal life of the Russian Federation regions: theory and practice (Review of materials of the All-Russian scientific “The Round Table” (with international participation) by journals “State and Law”, “Legal policy and legal life”, “Current problems of state and law” and scientific-educational yearbook “State-legal research”) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
Deserved behavior as a basis for legal encouragement: the need to form a theory (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -
The variety of forms of state building (Review of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Composite states: experience and prospects for development", Penza state University, May 29 - 30, 2019) (Gosudarstvo i pravo) -